Who Am I - Siapakah "AKU"

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Do we know who we are?

The question seems so simple yet it has two meanings.

1. We are physically a human

2. We are spiritually an energy form i.e energy vibrational form

99% of People in this world always looking at We as a physical form. How we look like, how handsome and pretty we are but seldom of people looking at We as a spiritually an energy form. Energy here means soul. But SOUL is only a general term. But what does SOUL specifically means?

Well I could not provide the answer now, because I am still translating my E-book from Bahasa Melayu into English language.

If anyone is interested to know specifically the meanings of the SOUL, kindly wait for my E-Book to be translated into English language.

There are many advantages when we know exactly who we are. Essentially we are not God. God created us to know Him. But it is sad that 5% of world population admit that they are God. May God bring us away from thinking in such manner. How could we admit that we are God when we still require air to breath, food to eat, water to drink and body to move.

When we know exactly who we are, then we start to realize who is GOD. We could not visualise how God looks like, because GOD has no form or shape.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Theory Of Energy

There are various of theories that related to energy. Among others are :

1. Gravity Theory
2. Quantum Theory

Excerpt from From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia explain the followings:

Energy is a quantifiable state function of every physical system. Energy allows one to predict how much work a physical system could be made to do, or how much heat it can exchange. In general, energy is inferred whenever there is a change in the properties of an object or system. This is where the early exploration of the nature of energy began. As our understanding of the nature of energy progressed, scientists found it to exist in many forms not readily observable by the average unaided observer. In fact, in some cases the presence of particular types of energy prevents changes from being easily observed in a particular object or system. Empirical observations have shown that the total quantity of energy is conserved. This makes the concept of energy very important in physics.

But What is an Energy ?

What is energy?

Do we exactly know what is the determination of the word " energy ". Well from the dictionary it means : , but in this blog I would like to bring your understanding in a different perspective. That is the meaning and understanding which is more details and yet seldom people would understand and agree with me.